

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Datebook is reserved for nonprofit, civic organizations. Unless otherwise noted, events listed should be considered free and open to the public. Entries appear in chronological order and as space allows.

OLD TIME MUSIC: Join in the first and third Mondays, 7-9 p.m. at The Arts Center in Elkins for an Old Time Music Session. Beginning musicians are encouraged to join in. Fiddle, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, Dulcimer, Bass are welcome. Participants enter through the back door. For more information, contact dp-foot@hotmail.com.

WEDNESDAY PICKIN’: The Augusta Heritage Center’s weekly Jam Sessions are again taking place every Wednesday in the Augusta Music & Dance Hall, 303 Davis Ave., Elkins. Country Music Jams are from 4:30-6:30 p.m., and Old-Time Jams are from 6:30-8:30 p.m. For more information, call 304-642-2369.

ART CONVERSATIONS PANEL: An Art Conversations Panel with Arthurdale Heritage members and Mountain Weavers Guild members will be at The Arts Center in Elkins on Saturday, Feb. 8 from 1-4 p.m. Gallery will be open 12-7 p.m. Entry is free. “Show and Tell” style panel, where members from each organization will discuss their craft, take questions from the audience, and educate our community about fiber arts.

MEET AND GREET: will be hosted by the Randolph County Farm Bureau at 4-H Camp Pioneer in Beverly at 6 p.m. Feb. 18 to welcome next WVU Extension Agent Brittany Leggett. The public is invited to come out and get to know Leggett at the event. For more information, call 304-338-6010.

FREE MONTHLY TREE TALKS: at the Kump Education Center. The lectures are sponsored by the Elkins Tree Board and the KEC. Topics are: 2/26, “Under Pressure: A Tale of Two Salamanders” by Lacy Rucker, USDA Forest Service; 3/26, “Fungi and their Relationship with Plants” with Kristen Wickert, WV Mushroom Club; and 4/23, “Stress, Strain and Trees: An Introduction to Tree Mechanics” by Ken Beezley, D&E. All lectures begin at 7 p.m. Parking is available behind the historic Kump House, 401 Randolph Ave. (across from Kroger). For more information, visit kumpeducationcenter.org.

TOPS 0590 MILL CREEK: meets at the Russell Memorial Library in Mill Creek every Wednesday. Weigh-in is from 10:30-10:45 a.m. Meeting following weigh in. For information contact Jane Robinson at 304 338-6403.

TOPS 0599: will meet Thursdays at the Good Shepherd Church at 312 Wilson Street in Elkins, with weigh in from 4-4:30 p.m. with a meeting to follow. For more information, call Sandy at 304-591-2828 or Carolyn at 304-636-3109.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: meets every Monday at 6 p.m. at the Refinery in the Seneca Mall. For more information, call 304-642-1244.

Starting at $3.92/week.

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