
Davis & Elkins to host MLK Day Celebration on Monday


ELKINS — Davis & Elkins College will host a service and celebration in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday at the Robbins Memorial Chapel.

The program, which is entitled “All Welcome, All Included: Striving Towards the Beloved Community” is open to the public and all members of the D&E campus. The event will get underway at 7 p.m.

The celebration and observance has been organized by the Office of Chaplaincy and will feature Davis & Elkins College Associate Dean of Students Brian Wilson as the keynote speaker for the event.

“I am a relationship person, and I am huge on building connections and forming lasting relationships,” Wilson said. “I was raised, and my wife Tishia and I have raised our children, to see all people as their brothers or sisters and to place the needs of others even above their own. My family and I have been welcomed to D&E, and I am happy to do my part to welcome and include everyone else in our amazing community.”

Through poetry, proclamation and song, D&E students, faculty and staff will reflect on the lasting impact of King’s life and work. The program will center around aligning the college and the Elkins community through an evening of worship and celebration.

“Honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and work each year is an important event in the life of Davis & Elkins College,” said Dr. Franklin Tanner Capps, Benfield-Vick Chaplain at D&E. “Our rootedness in the American liberal arts tradition and in the Presbyterian Church, two institutions committed to forming lives around the values of faith, justice, and love,  mean that we share in his hope for realizing ‘the beloved community.’

“Given that King’s work grew out of the church, it’s appropriate that we gather to worship on a day set aside for reflecting on his enduring legacy while also challenging ourselves to advance his vision of love and justice through education and service.”

This year’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday will mark the 30th anniversary of it being a National Day of Service. The first official celebration of Martin Luther King Day was held on Jan. 20, 1986.

The day was established to honor the life and legacy of Dr. King and to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities. 

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