
New Data

W.Va. shows decrease in abortion rate

Even proponents of widespread access to abortions say they hope the practice is rare. Those who believe abortion is immoral would like to see it go away entirely.

From either point of view, a recent study on abortions in West Virginia is good news, then.

A study by The Guttmacher Institute, a leading proponent of access to abortions, found they have decreased substantially in the United States, during the past few years.

A state-by-state analysis showed the decrease in abortion rates in West Virginia was better than in all but two other states (Arkansas and Delaware). From 2014-17, the rate of abortions here dropped by 26%, from 6 per 1,000 women aged 15-44 to 4.4.

Guttmacher researchers have said increased access to contraceptives, combined with a decrease in the number of women becoming pregnant, are responsible for the change nationwide.

Still, there were 1,430 abortions in our state in 2017. That is 1,430 too many. Let us hope — and pray — the number and frequency of abortions in the Mountain State continues to decline.


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