
Hints From Heloise


Dear Heloise: My husband has to travel a couple of nights a week for business, which often leaves me free at dinnertime. Instead of going out to eat dinner alone, I plan ahead. Whenever I make a big dinner, I set aside a portion and freeze it. On the evenings my husband is gone, I microwave my “Mini-Me-Meal” and enjoy a home-cooked dinner while watching my favorite shows on TV. — Sheila R., Tyler, Texas


Dear Heloise: Years ago, a friend of mine gave me a pamphlet you authored on baking soda and its many uses, including recipes. I loved it and referred to it numerous times. Well, it must have grown tiny feet and walked off, because I can’t find it anywhere. I’m desperate; I need another copy. In fact, I need two copies: one for me and one for my daughter-in-law. How can I go about getting a new copy? — Karen P., Clifton, New Jersey

Karen, getting a new copy of my Heloise’s Baking Soda Hints and Recipes pamphlet is easy. Just go to www.Heloise.com or send $5 per pamphlet, along with a stamped, self-addressed, long envelope to: Heloise/Baking Soda, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001.

If you like the baking soda pamphlet, you’d love its cousin, Heloise’s Fantabulous Vinegar Hints and More. It’s $5, at Heloise/Vinegar, same address as baking soda. Armed with both of these pamphlets, you can clean just about anything, produce some tasty dishes and save time and money while you’re at it. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I had so many recipes I’d cut out of magazines that would get lost or torn. Finally, I bought a large photo album, and now I keep all my recipes in there. I have four such books: one for main dishes, one for vegetables and pasta, one for desserts, and one for heart-healthy recipes. Now I don’t lose recipes, and it’s so easy to find the one I want. — Angie C., Henderson, Nevada


Dear Heloise: I always hated the way oil would gather at the top of the peanut butter jar. I usually made a mess when I tried to stir it together with the peanut butter. Finally, a neighbor of mine told me to turn the jar upside-down on my pantry shelf. It was a little trick he learned from your column. Thanks, Heloise, for many years of informative information. — Kathy and Susan, Glenrock, Wyoming

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