
Teter CEOS meet for October

The Teter CEOS met on Thursday, Oct. 17 at noon in the basement of the Tennerton UM Church.

Fall pumpkins was the theme chosen by hostesses Cathy DeBarr, Iris Mae Swecker and Millie Hornbeck, who served a delicious lunch to Cynthia Parker, Nancy Hackett, Justine Woody, Betty Oldaker, Cheryl Gaunt, Vonnie Hager, Debbie Hinkle, Kathy Black, Lynn Frum, Janet Smith, Kay Woody and Betty Hinkle.

Debbie Hinkle opened the meeting by leading the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Members are collecting hats and gloves for Head Start students this month and next. A set of 25 Snuggle Blankets were distributed to Head Start with more to be taken at a later date.

Hinkle reported on the classes she took at the recent Fall Leadership Conference at Jacksons Mill. She took a painting class and a West Virginia string art class. Vonnie Hager and Millie Hornbeck represented the club at the Breast Cancer Awareness program at the Episcopal Church on Monday, Oct. 14.

Club committee chairmen were reminded that reports are due to their respective County Chairmen by Nov. 1. Cynthia Parker made a beautiful Christmas ornament for the Ornament Contest due at that time, also.

Debbie Hinkle brought the lap blankets that she crocheted for distribution on Third Floor of St. Joseph’s Hospital in December. The club is making plans to have their Christmas Dinner on Dec. 12 at Noon. Members may participate in a gift exchange if they would like. More information will be forthcoming at the next meeting which will be held on Thursday, Nov. 21.

In response to the recent disasters in the Southeast United States the group decided to make a monetary donation to Samaritans Purse.

The lesson, “Bridging the Gap–Involving Younger Generations in Service” was presented by Cathy DeBarr following devotions entitled “God’s Triumphs.” “Happy Birthday” was sung to Cheryl, Justine and Vonnie.

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