
Two days left to enroll for ACA

Tuesday is the final deadline to enroll in coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. It’s still the open enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act but with just two days left, the clock is ticking. West Virginians should act now to make sure they have time to shop, consider their options and enroll in the plan that best fits their needs and budget.

Following the election, many consumers have had questions regarding the future of the Affordable Care Act and whether they could still enroll in quality, affordable health insurance.  As of now, nothing has changed — not plans, not prices and not dates.  Anyone who enrolls in coverage by January 31 will be able to use their coverage beginning March 1.

Medicaid also continues to be available through Medicaid expansion, year-round. Consumers who apply and are eligible for Medicaid can enroll and begin receiving services immediately.

Everyone’s needs and financial situations are different and plans and prices change every year, so taking  the time to shop through available plans is important.

All Marketplace health plans are required to cover the basics, including preventative care, emergency services, prescriptions, and more.

And this quality protection comes at an affordable price to most, thanks to federal financial assistance with monthly premiums.

Anyone wanting to explore their health insurance options can check the federal website at www.healthcare.gov or call 1-800-318-2596. Free local assistance is also available at community health clinics or by contacting certified marketplace navigator, Carol Cain Bush at the Randolph County Health Department, 304-630-6225 or ccbush@hsc.wvu.edu.

Starting at $3.92/week.

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