
New investment will improve connectivity for 134K households

CHARLESTON — Frontier Communications is making enhanced broadband service available to previously unserved residents throughout West Virginia.

Elena Kilpatrick, Frontier senior vice president of operations, has announced that connected communities in 35 counties now may access increased speeds and services from Frontier.

Over the past 18 months, Frontier has successfully leveraged the FCC’s Connect America Fund program to bring new broadband opportunities to approximately 16,900 CAF eligible households while improving speeds to an additional 117,000 households.

That means more than 134,000 total West Virginia households have access to improved speeds because of these investments over the past eighteen months, according to a company release.

“Through ongoing network investments, Frontier is providing broadband and faster speeds to residents throughout the 35 counties where the CAF investment has been made,” Kilpatrick said. “We have been aggressively deploying and upgrading our broadband service and look forward to serving more local residents.”

This latest broadband deployment was made possible by a combination of Frontier’s capital investment and the CAF. The FCC established the CAF in 2011 to facilitate broadband deployment to the millions of Americans living in rural areas without access to broadband infrastructure.

The CAF program and investments by Frontier are enabling broadband access to previously unserved households, as well as improvements in broadband speeds and services. Simplified broadband offerings and bundled service packages that provide customers with choice and affordable options are also available. Speeds as fast as 45 Mbps are available, depending on distance from Frontier’s nearest facilities.

Starting at $3.92/week.

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