
Is the local area affected by illegal immigration?

I’d like to clear the air about something that’s been in my craw for several months. Common ordinary people are being fed a big lie by the media who keep bashing Trump’s claim that illegal immigrants are taking black jobs, legal Latino jobs, and legal Asian immigrant jobs among others.

From the time Trump first pointed out that this was happening the news services went crazy, as did Camp Kamala. Racist! Prejudiced! Demeaning! Don’t forget weird! I don’t think Joe Scarborough’s head exploded but he’s bound to have received a bad headache.

Let’s take a brief look at something local.

In the past year or so a building in downtown Elkins was extensively renovated. I can personally attest that there were many Latinos working there and many drove here from out of state; places like North and South Carolina and Georgia. I know this because I attended physical therapy sessions in the building adjacent to the work site, so I had a ringside seat and saw the plates on the cars they drove.

I don’t know if they had green cards or not. Doesn’t matter. I also don’t know why they didn’t hire out of WorkForce West Virginia.

Now think about a similar project, only bigger.

Imagine for a minute this type of project was five times larger and was in a predominantly black neighborhood in Baltimore or Washington or Charlotte.

The contractor has probably received a low interest loan or even direct cash assistance, with the stipulation that all labor hiring would be through the local unemployment office.

Local workers would surely get at least $5 or more per hour than bused-in immigrants would receive, and they would also pay income and social security taxes and spend their paychecks at the local grocery stores and Walmart, etc.

It’s a win for the community and a lesson for unscrupulous contractors.

That’s what Trump was talking about. Much of that cash payment to immigrants is going back to the worker’s home country and that affects our overall national economy. If you pay pauper’s wages with no payroll taxes you’re hampering the local legitimate citizens and committing federal and state crimes, although there’s little risk of prosecution under the current administration.

Think about that there thing for a minute and pray God saves us. The Democrats are coming and they’re not taking prisoners!

Harold Arbogast


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