
Results of the general election pleased reader

Well, readers, two Saturdays have gone by and there’s been nary a word in the letters section about the election, so I will proffer my comments lest this historic event fall down the rabbit hole and the Cheshire cat absconds with it.

Not only did the nation benefit from the voters’ choices, West Virginia got a deal or two. I was absolutely delighted when Glenn Elliott was smoked by Governor Justice for U.S. Senate.

I had written before that Elliott was a willing promoter of the big lie that Biden’s hands were tied when it came to border protection because the Republicans blocked every move including funding, and Trump asked the House to turn down the funds requested last year so it would help Trump get re-elected.

We all know that none of this was true and none of it worked, thank God. Elliott spewed that story in length on Hoppy Kercheval’s radio talk show and I didn’t have my phone when I heard him repeat it to Hoppy. Sadly, Hoppy let him get away with one that spring day. Not I.

We also elected another competent governor this round. I expect Gov. elect Morrisey will carry on the good work for the state, started by Gov. Justice.

I also was pleased with the results of a neighboring delegate district. It goes to show that when voters say NO two elections in a row. they probably mean no. Let’s move on.

Don’t you think it’s time TV stops paying professional pollsters and those extra floor runners who have jumbotrons strung out and showing a half dozen ways Kamala can beat Trump and vice versa. Some said they can be manipulated (behind the curtains) to make a false hope look positive (for a while). Turns out they were all guessing anyway, just guessing.

It all blew up when the color red broke through the Blue Wall and spread out in a pattern not unlike 2016. A sight to see!

It’s far beyond my understanding how Joe Biden suddenly popped out of his sterile basement in 2020 and convinced half the country he was the better candidate and made fools of millions of voters.

Things will get better. Wait and see. They couldn’t get much worse.

Soon, if not already, the Democrats will be conspiring ways to ruin JD Vance’s name and get a start on ruining the 2028 election. Mean and evil so they are.

Harold Arbogast


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