
Group requests time on school closure decisions

To the residents of Randolph County:

Members of the community have respectfully requested of Dr. Shawn Dilly, Randolph County Superintendent of Schools, more time to develop alternatives to his recommendation to close Harman and Pickens Schools.

As a resident in a rural community, I am happy for the good things happening in Elkins schools. However, if they come at the expense of rural communities such as Harman, Pickens and particularly, the well-being of our children, I am saddened and disappointed in the leadership forcing those changes with no effort to engage the communities with solutions.

The excitement of all the great and innovative things happening at Elkins’ schools will drown out the cries of Harman and Pickens’ children subjected to unbearable hardships.

I believe Dr. Dilly would like to do the right thing but doesn’t see any alternatives. And yet he fails to engage those most seriously impacted who are offering their help. Absent real-life situations, it is easy to write about leadership, integrity and compassion. Unless Dr. Dilly reverses his recommendation, his legacy will be one of division, hardship and communities stripped of their soul and identity.

There is a symbiotic relationship between our county seat and the rural communities. We appreciate the employment opportunities, and the county seat welcomes our dedicated workforce. We need the ability to purchase goods and services, and Elkins’ businesses enjoy our patronage.

Many individuals and entities have expressed deep support for the rural communities. Members of the Randolph County Commission, Randolph County Senior Center, Randolph County Development Authority, Randolph County Ambulance Authority/EMS, and many of our other elected officials have worked hard to make our rural communities not only sustainable but thriving. This is appreciated and reflected in many improvements occurring in the past 10 years.

Is the Chamber and business community going to remain silent over school closures? In a few months, a large contingency of community folks will be engaged in discussions on how to create a thriving community. Unless more people speak out regarding this current issue, the “thriving community discussion” will seem hollow and hypocritical.

The Rotary Club of Elkins (of which I am a past-president) has a four- way test to which its members ascribe. It is as follows:

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?


4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Are Rotary members going to remain silent? Silence and apathy have preceded some of the darkest moments in our history.

I invite each of you to express your opposition to this rush to close Harman and Pickens Schools. Request Superintendent Dilly to delay a decision and lead a group of concerned citizens from the entire county to seek alternate solutions.


Dan Bucher


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