Pardons by Biden show his true colors
Joe Biden got caught in a proverbial rainstorm and his true colors are now fully exposed. He lied his hip pockets off about pardoning Hunter and exposed something else.
At the risk of people saying “No you didn’t,” I want to make it clear that I knew as far back as the late ’70s, early ’80s that this man was a descendant of the serpent in the Garden of Eden. There literally are hundreds of incidents on video where he told monster whoppers and defied anyone to challenge him. It’s possible some did but I don’t remember it.
I remember saying I would never be gladder of any other event when Obama’s term ended but I was wrong and I have to admit it. In my opinion, Obama was one short rung above Biden on the Truth ladder of leadership. Neither would get hurt if they fell off that ladder because they never made it to the second rung.
Then it happened. A mentally challenged figure crawled from under the house and somehow convinced half of America that he could run the country and whip COVID and inflation and a million other things. He failed miserably at all of it. Or should I say his handlers failed. Joe Biden never had a good idea but the one when he decided to run for Senate. He never worked another day after that. We should all be so lucky. Or devious.
He messed up big on student college debt. Millions more are wondering where their forgiveness cash is. It was a campaign ploy to get votes but he never needed it. Obama and Pelosi took care of that in the Great Coup of ’24.
There’s more coming. I envision a very thick folder full of pardons that he will have ready on Jan. 20, 2025, and just before inaugural hour he’ll tell his lackey dogs to get them recorded and filed before Trump’s speech is over.
Trump has a lot of hard work ahead. Biden has really made it hard to find where to start, but Trump will fix it. I pray God is with him. The Democrats won’t be.
Harold Arbogast