While I was in contact with the DNR for my last column, there were a few other subjects I wanted to touch base on.
First off were results from the spring “Gold Rush” fish stocking. There were 30 lucky anglers that won prizes as part of the giveaway. The five big winners of the life-time ...
Recently, I began wondering if Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) was still a serious issue in our West Virginia deer population.
I contacted the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources and was put in touch with Ethan Barton, who is the Wildlife Disease specialist for our state.
Here are a ...
I’m sure you have heard someone refer to their misspent youth. Probably most of us have thought about things, however so slightly, we might have regretted doing.
On a recent turkey hunting trip, in an area that I had not set foot in for many years, I came to realize that I had a “not ...
Although late summer and early fall are usually associated with the gathering of nature’s bounty such as apples, berries, nuts and most things out of the garden, there are things that are harvested in spring and early summer.
Of course, in our area, one of the most popular of these would ...
Happy spring to one and all. I took a longer break from this column than I had expected. It always amazes me how time flies, but I’m going to try to get back to and stay on track!
As I write this, trout stocking is in full swing and the Gold Rush is happening. According to the DNR website ...
MORGANTOWN — Midway through the fourth quarter, fans at Mountaineer Field began batting a large, inflated beach ball through the air, only to discover after a short while that the air was slowly escaping.
If you believed in symbolism, so it was down on the sunbathed field below. The game ...