
Elkins City Hall News

ELKINS — The Public Safety Committee, the Personnel Committee, the Rules & Ordinances Committee, the Sanitary Board, and City Council meets on the week of January 6. Continue reading for more information on Christmas tree curbside pickups, utility payment due dates, and information on the annual General Fund budget for Fiscal Year 2026.

The Elkins Street Department will begin picking up Christmas trees from now until January 31. The trees must be real, not artificial, and placed by the curb, free of any lights, decorations, etc.

Utility and in city fire fees were mailed out December 30 and are due January 19. 2024 Annual and 4th Qtr. B&O’s were mailed out December 30 and are due January 31. Utility shutoffs for unpaid past due bills are scheduled for January 7.

The Public Safety Committee meets on Monday at 10 a.m. Items on the agenda include reports from public safety officials.

The Personnel Committee meets on Monday at 1 p.m. Items on the agenda include updates on PEIA costs for FY 2025.

The Rules & Ordinances Committee meets on Monday at 3:30 p.m. Items on the agenda include discussion of an ordinance clarifying filing dates for city elections.

The Sanitary Board meets on Tuesday at 10 a.m. Items on the agenda include discussion of Resolution (RFP #01): Approving Invoices Relating to Services for the Vacuum Truck Dumping Station Project.

City Council meets on Thursday at 7 p.m. The agenda may be adjusted by Tuesday. Items on the agenda include various actions related to the June 10 city election, including moving the Fourth and Fifth Ward polling places and establishing the candidate filing period; a lease with RCDA for the Treasurer’s Department office space; and first reading of ordinances reducing restrictions on skateboarding in the city, amending sign rules, and updating the floodplain ordinance.

For agendas and other meeting information: www.cityofelkinswv.com/agenda-center

In January, city officials will begin preparing the annual General Fund budget for the year that starts July 1 (Fiscal Year 2026). Partner organizations have already been requested to submit their applications for inclusion in the FY 2026 budget.

Beginning January, the city’s Administrative Officers will collaborate to prepare departmental budgets. Starting in February, the Finance Committee will review these proposed budgets and any received partner funding requests. A final proposed FY 2026 General Fund budget must be presented to council no later than March 20 and must then be submitted to the West Virginia State Auditor’s Office no later than March 28.

After the auditor verifies compliance with state budgeting laws, rules, and regulations, council will meet to “lay the levy” (finalize the FY 2026 budget) on April 15, the date set by law for all West Virginia municipal and county governing bodies to finalize their budgets.

City Hall remains closed to the public for renovation and repairs until further notice. All departments are operating and available for service as usual, but in-person appointments will require advance arrangements.