Seeking accountability
As the time of the faux Biden Legacy draws nearer there are those of us who long for some path to accountability for those disgusting people who actually ran the White House and the country for the past four years. Tens of millions of U.S. citizens were duped because they didn’t pay attention to what was happening before they went to vote in 2020 and we all paid the price.
It seemed it was going to happen again with Kamala Harris but after about six weeks of campaigning, we were beginning to see truth leaking from the speeches that were uttered by a college graduated lawyer who has the speaking ability of perhaps a 9th grader. The things she said she was going to do on day one couldn’t possibly be accomplished by day one thousand. But she kept promoting the lie because her handlers said to.
If she mentioned Trump’s name once she said it 10,000 times. The negativity at times was so thick in the air that she would get distracted and couldn’t adlib when the teleprompter couldn’t keep track of her. But still they pushed her and made a fool of her. Actually it wasn’t that hard to do.
Back to the beginning of this letter; If it were possible I would like to see at least ten of Biden’s handlers hauled before a federal court of inquiry and asked to explain what they really intended to do if he had won a second term or if Kamala had won and hired them. Someone needs to be prosecuted for the way we (the nation) were treated and for his term.
If I had voted for this demented weakling it would be hard to forgive myself for the role I played in nearly destroying the nation. They darn near got away with it and really did a lot of damage. Democratic voters need to take a good look at their representatives and senators and vote someone into office who cares about the populace, not lining their pockets and spending money.
I have confidence that Trump can fix the country, but he’ll probably get little help from the Democrats. They couldn’t help much anyway. They have outsiders they must answer to.
God save us all but don’t expect any help from Biden’s Buddies.
Harold Arbogast