Hints From Heloise
Safely extending a tube of mascara
Dear Heloise: For many decades, I’ve extended the use of my tubes of mascara by five or six times. When it’s too dry to use, add distilled water, using half a teaspoon or a full teaspoon. Then gently mix it by moving the wand up and down a few times, letting it set overnight. Do not ever use tap water since it has natural bacteria and will eventually cause eye irritation or infection. — Sara, in Missoula, Montana
Dear Heloise: My nephew came up with a brilliant, much-easier way to gather beautiful fallen leaves. Use a large bedsheet and rake the leaves onto it, then simply gather the edges to carry and discard them — hopefully, in the compost. — Felisa C., Lubbock, Texas
Dear Heloise: Sorry to be the Grinch, but I hate getting gift certificates as a gift at Christmas or my birthday. Everyone else loves them, but to me, it’s a lazy way to say, “No thought was put into this gift!” or “You’re not worth the effort to shop for a gift.”
This past Christmas, I got several gift cards for things like an oil change and lube for my car from my brother. A friend of mine gave me a gift card for a massage. Frankly, I hate massages from a stranger. It just seems like a very intimate thing to do with another person I don’t even know.
I also got a gift card for a dinner for two at a steakhouse that was shut down last year by the Department of Health. They’re open again, but I still get an “icky” feeling every time I drive by the place.
Am I being too touchy about gift cards? Even if the gift is too big, too small, out of date, or in a color I hate, at least put some thought into it! Show me you care. — Carolyn L., Olympia, Washington
Carolyn, there are people who are difficult to shop for because they really don’t need anything. (Or the person giving the gift simply doesn’t know how you feel about gift cards in the first place.) You can always regift these cards to people who need an oil change or love a massage. And some people love receiving a gift card because it allows them to make the specific selections that they want.
Last year, I received a gift card I couldn’t use, so I donated it to a charity that works with children. They were very pleased with it. — Heloise
Dear Heloise: Whenever I see “unavailable” on my phone, I know it’s someone who either wants money or private information, both of which I refuse to hand out. So, whenever they call and ask for “Harlan M.,” I tell them Harlan M. passed away two weeks ago. The caller usually fumbles with an apology and hangs up. It seems to be more effective than anything else I’ve tried.
Believe me, I’m tired of all the calls I get for walk-in bathtubs, metal roofing, investment scams, and other nonsense. By telling the caller that I’m dead, I get fewer calls. — Harlan M., Orem, Utah
Dear Heloise: We’ve always saved the beautiful, fun and imaginative packaging decorations to use for family gifts next year. There are howls of laughter when recognizing old ornaments, snowmen bows and Santas, although some do become a bit bedraggled with use and age. Nevertheless, they’re so dear!
Also, apple boxes with dividers make great storage boxes, and the trouble is worth all the fun! We read you in the Amarillo Globe-News. — D.W., via email