
EHS Class of 1969 Hosts Reunion

Submitted Photo The Elkins High School Class of 1969 recently held their 55th class reunion. Classmates attended a buffet-style dinner at the Elks Lodge on July 19 and on July 20 gathered for a brunch at the Ozley House in the Tygart Hotel. Those attending were, front row from left, Joyce Church, Patricia Thompson Cunningham, Martha Hill Altieri, Linda Phares Shomo, Rosemary Goots Markley, Donna Thompson Mouser, Sherry Sainato Hammer, Pam Gardner Hughes, Brenda Burr Cantley, Colleen Trimble Ho, Sara Isner Gum, Karen Knicely Eye, Helen Moore, and Kit Leyland Phillips. Second row: Linda Ramsey Aman, Linda Moore McCauley, Joan Hiser Wentz, Karen Kelly Elza, Mary Jane Siler Spencer, Jim Smith, Luwana Pyles Smith, Sharon Kelly Sutton, Trish Brown Bowes, Judy McLaughlin Gall, David Williams, Stanley Ferguson, Debbie Wilsox Robertson, Victor Ho, Donna Murphy Erickson, Ann Knotts Harris, Diane Kennedy Snyder, Jean Snedgar, Donna Belcher Rogers, Ellen Stemple Shaw, Eileen Harris Holliday. Back row: Verlin Cutright, Ralph Hess, Denver Phares, Danny Talbott, Carl Amorese, Greg Morgan, Terry Jackson, Mike Taylor, John Altieri, Brad Isner, Larry Spears, Don Teter, Jerry Trimboli and David Potts.

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