Commission to help fund water project
ELKINS — The Randolph County Commission unanimously approved a funding request from Leadsville Public Service District Thursday during its regular meeting at the Wees Courthouse Annex.
Leadsville PSD Chairman of the Board Nick Channell came before Commissioners Cris Siler, David Kesling and Chris See to seek help with a water leak issue the PSD has been dealing with for close to three years.
“The last few years we’ve struggled with unaccountable water,” said Channell. “We spent money fixing 29 service lines and three main lines the last two years and nothing has changed. Usually, when you fix a leak the numbers go down, but that doesn’t seem to be happening, so we are struggling with this.”
Channell said that after the Leadsville PSD purchased a leak detector and still couldn’t resolve the issue, he reached out to a company that specializes in resolving such issues.
“We’ve approached a company through Thrasher that are leak-detecting people, so they are coming in to fix it,” said Channell. “We have 42 miles of line and they will do what we need for $25,000.”
Channell told the Commission that the West Virginia Infrastructure Jobs and Development Council will pay half of the cost needed if the Leadsville PSD can find matching funds for the rest of the $25,000.
“If they find it the first day or the second day, it won’t cost the entire $25,000,” said Channell. “So what we are asking you for, we may not need all of that. They seem to think they can find it, but we really need some help with this, it has put us in a stressful situation.”
Kesling told Channell that the County Commission would help with funding in an amount up to $12,5000, half of the $25,000.
“The worst case scenario is $25,000, and if it’s done sooner, it will be less,” said Kesling. “So I think we are going to help you out and approve up to $12,500 so that you get that covered. If it comes in less, we will cut you whatever it is.”
The Leadsville PSD provides sewer service to portions of Crystal Springs, Highland Park, Harpertown, Woodridge, and Cravensdale. The District provides water service to the Cravensdale, Gilman, Kerens and Montrose areas outside of Elkins.
The next Randolph County Commission meeting will be held Jan. 2 at the Wees Annex beginning at 1:30 p.m.